14 Mar 2006

High artist recalls art school

Friday 7pm - a
one hour show on Dennis Oppenheim.

He gave a talk on his works since 1973 at the
Whitechapel and for the programme we've mixed in extracts from the launch of "Recall" at the MOT and comments by Jo Melvin - lecturer at Chelsea and curator at Greenwich Martime Museum. This artist attracted me for the random sense that comes from Recall's almost nonsensical monologue and Oppenheim's limitless imagination that results in work of God-like proportions (see the areoplane trail above and his commission for a workers' bus stop in California )- >
The loose way his recollections run in and out of each other leaves space for us to collaborate by relating to it, and posting our own recollections between the gaps. The film, made while he had bunged up his nose with rags dipped in turps, is shown over a tin trough of turps to enhance its effect. In that it works very well. For more, hear him discuss these two works and more on the show.